Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Sucessful habits l Hábitos de sucesso

Here are some of mine:
1) Spend at least one hour everyday learning about personal development or financial coaching
2) Read at least 10 pages of a book
3) Review my budget on a monthly basis
4) Read about successful people
5) Spend time with people who want to grow like me
6) Invest in my education

Aqui estão alguns dos meus hábitos:
1) Estudar sobre desenvolvimento pessoal ou coaching financeiro pelo menos uma hora todos os dias
2) Ler ao menos 10 páginas de um livro
3) Rever meu orçamento todos os meses
4) Ler sobre pessoas de sucesso
5) Passar tempo com pessoas que querem crescer como eu
6) Investir na minha educação

Money Beliefs Podcast l Podcast sobre crenças com dinheiro

Are you looking for something to watch or listen to this evening? One of the best podcasts about money that I've listened to: MONEY BELIEFS. Enjoy it! 💰

How much is your personality worth? l Quanto vale a sua personalidade?

Do you know how your personality can interfere on how much money you make? For instance, extroverts are much more likely to have higher incomes if they are quick to share thoughts, have high energy, and like being in the public eye. Read this article to find out how much your personality is worth.

Você sabe o quanto sua personalidade pode interferir em quanto dinheiro você ganha? Pessoas extrovertidas por exemplo são mais suscetíveis de ganhar mais se eles conseguem compartilhar ideias mais rápido, ter mais energia e gostarem de parecer em público. Leia este artigo pra descobrir o quanto vale a sua personalidade.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Faça isso e veja como vai sobrar l Do this and you will have more money

Faça isso e veja como vai sobrar $$$$$$$!!! 💰 💰 💰 💰

Does the way you spend your money make sense to you? Have you ever gone through your bank statements and thought: why on earth did I spend money on this? Or why did I spend so much money on this? We have all been guilty of it! 🙋🏽‍♀️

Do this exercise today: list the things you are happy to spend your money on and compare it with your actual bank statements! This is a great way to save costs, find where your money is going and start thinking what you are actually happy to spend money on!
#financialfreedom #happyspendingmoney #gastandomenos #gastandofeliz #financialcontrol #richhabits

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Será que eu preciso de coaching financeiro na minha vida? l Do I need coaching in my life?

Bom diiiiiiia, minha gente! Dessa vez em português 🤸🏽‍♂️

Good morning, everyone! This time around the video is in Portuguese.
Worry not as I will summarise it to you. What do you want to have more money for right now?
Open up a business? Career change? Buy that property? Pay debt?
Organise your finances to start investing? Have you tried doing this by yourself unsuccessfully?
I have some news for you: you need a personal financial coach!
I have something to tell you that you will think I am crazy!
I am not only a believer, I am confident that anyone can reach their financial goals earning any amount of money (I am talking about realist goals here, ok?).
Here is a story for you: when I came to London a few years ago, I used to earn £400 PER MONTH!
I’ve managed to save up for a trip to Paris in my first 6 months living here!!! Of course it wasn’t a luxury holiday but who cares when you are in Paris?I used to pay £200 in rent, shared a house with 13 people and would still have fun!
This story is only a representation of one thing I’ve done. I’ve repeatedly achieved other things using the same technique: FINANCIAL ORGANISATION & PLANNING. So if you want to start putting your money to work for you, financial coaching can definitely help! The only challenge is: if you don’t dedicate 100% to make it work, of course it won’t work!
We will together find the solution to your financial challenges and you will be able to repeat the formula by yourself afterwards because you will learn how with coaching. Now, you might be sitting there and wondering...why will I pay for help if I am already struggling financially? The answer is very simple: how much is your debt today (if you have any) or how much have you managed to save up so far?
Have you asked yourself how much it will be in 6 months down the line if you repeat the same things you’ve all done with no results? Coaching will not only help you clear your debts but get rid of them for life! You will also learn to be smarter about money - this is called financial intelligence!
So, does it all make sense? Want to know more? Reach out to me today!
We can have a 30 minute chat which will cost you nothing.

Friday, 1 November 2019

Debt Management Charity in the UK l ONG de ajuda para quem está endividado

If you are currently in debt, there is a lot of help out there ladies & gentlemen. Don’t suffer in silence. Free help available to you 24/7. StepChange Debt Charity in the UK.

Se você está endividado neste momento, não sofra calado porque tem muitos recursos e muita ajuda disponível. StepChange Debt Charity no Reino Unido. Ajuda gratuita quem esta com dificuldade financeira 24/7!

 stepchange financialhelp debtcharity 

Friday, 25 October 2019

Financial Compatibility l Compatibilidade Financeira

Você é financeiramente compatível com seu parceiro? Talvez você nunca tenha pensado nisso até agora. Incompatibilidade nas finanças é uma das maiores (se não a maior) causa de desentendimento entre casais. Eu mesma já vivi isso na pele em outro relacionamento. Quem nunca levante a mão!

Quando conheci o Michael, nossas conversas sobre dinheiro eram bem difíceis porque o perfil financeiro dele (você sabe o que é isso?) é bem diferente do meu. Normal, já que não estava procurando uma cópia minha! Nenhum dos dois sabia como o outro se relacionava com dinheiro. 

Eu, macaca velha, estava determinada a não passar sufoco de novo com isso.
Ele fugia das conversas inicialmente porque pra ele, dinheiro nunca causou problema. Aos poucos, ele entendeu o quanto era importante pra mim esclarecer nossos pontos de vista. No passado, o homem cuidava das finanças da casa e as mulheres nem sabiam do que se passava. Felizmente as coisas mudaram pra que eu pudesse ser a 'mentora das finanças' daqui de casa! 

Hoje nossas conversas são muito mais amigáveis (ainda nao sao perfeitas, viu?), fazemos planos juntos porque temos sonhos semelhantes e vamos conquistá-los juntos! 

Você conhece seu perfil financeiro do seu parceiro? Sabe o que fazer para harmonizá-los quando são diferentes? O que vocês fazem para harmonizá-los quando são diferentes? O que vocês fazem pra lidar com isso?

Are you financially compatible with your partner? Perhaps you have never thought about that (or not!) up until now. Financial incompatibility is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) reason couples argue. I have gone through this myself in the past. Who hasn’t, raise their hand now!

When I met Michael, our conversations about money were really difficult because his financial profile (do you know what that is?) is very different to mine. This is absolutely normal as I wasn’t looking for an exact copy of myself, right? Neither of us knew how the other dealt with money. As I had had an unpleasant experience in the past, I was determined not to struggle with it again. At first he used to avoid the conversations because he had never experienced problems with money in past relationships.

Little by little he realised how important it was to me to be clear on our points of view. In a recent past, it was always the men who would take care of the family finances and the women had no or very little idea of what was going on. Fortunately, times have changed so I can be the financial mentor at home. Nowadays our conversations are much more amicable (but not perfect of course!), we plan things together, we dream together as we will achieve them together!

Do you know what your partner’s financial profile is? Do you know how your harmonise your profiles when they are different? What do you do to deal with it?

#financiallycompatible #couplesfinances #financialplanning #financialgoals #financasdecasais

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Book recommendation l Recomendação de livro

“Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass.”

Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill

“Concentre-se em um objetivo definido e veja como o mundo se abre pra deixar você passar.”

Quem pensa enriquece, Napoleon Hill
#financialthinking #financialplanning #financialgoals #metafinanceira #planejamentofinanceiropessoal #personalfinances #financaspessoais #educacaofinanceira #financialeducation

Monday, 19 August 2019

Shhh...little secret l O segredo das finanças

The secret that will help you become the Master of Your Finances.

If you need help with it, reach out to me and let’s have a chat!

Do you spend less than you earn? Have you found ways to make some extra money?

This is what we are after l É disso que estamos correndo atrás

It's not money we are chasing; it's the freedom that money provides, it's the peace of mind that money creates, it's the choice that money affords.
Comment below if you agree with me. 👍🏽
Não é dinheiro o que buscamos; é a liberdade que o dinheiro te dá, é a tranquilidade que o dinheiro proporciona e a poder de escolha que o dinheiro pode comprar.
Comente abaixo de você concorda comigo! 👍🏽 

The size and shape of success l O tamanho e a forma do sucesso

Financial success comes in all shapes and sizes 💪🏽
Can you imagine how you would feel once you are financially successful? 🙌🏽 

Sucesso financeiro vem em diferentes tamanhos e formas. 💪🏽
Como você se sentiria se fosse financeiramente bem sucedido? 🙌🏽

Sucessful habits l Hábitos de sucesso

Here are some of mine: 1) Spend at least one hour everyday learning about personal development or financial coaching 2) Read at least ...