Monday 24 June 2019

8 steps to create wealth l 8 etapas da riqueza

Os seguidores desse blog merecem assistir esse vídeo.


Apologies to the non-Portuguese speakers of this page but my followers deserve to learn from such great content. I will sum them up here for the English speakers:

*8 steps to create wealth*

1- Resignify your limiting and negative beliefs about money
2- Have audacious goals and dreams
3- Make peace and overcome your failures
4- Have energy to go after your goals
5- Make do with your limited resources: time & money
6- Learn to create or make more money
7- “Break the code” learn about the money cycle and how to convince people who have a lot of money invest in you
8- Sign up to this YouTube channel (not relevant if you don’t speak Portuguese) 🙂

Which of these steps are you already working on? Let me know 😉💰

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