Monday, 19 August 2019

Shhh...little secret l O segredo das finanças

The secret that will help you become the Master of Your Finances.

If you need help with it, reach out to me and let’s have a chat!

Do you spend less than you earn? Have you found ways to make some extra money?

This is what we are after l É disso que estamos correndo atrás

It's not money we are chasing; it's the freedom that money provides, it's the peace of mind that money creates, it's the choice that money affords.
Comment below if you agree with me. 👍🏽
Não é dinheiro o que buscamos; é a liberdade que o dinheiro te dá, é a tranquilidade que o dinheiro proporciona e a poder de escolha que o dinheiro pode comprar.
Comente abaixo de você concorda comigo! 👍🏽 

The size and shape of success l O tamanho e a forma do sucesso

Financial success comes in all shapes and sizes 💪🏽
Can you imagine how you would feel once you are financially successful? 🙌🏽 

Sucesso financeiro vem em diferentes tamanhos e formas. 💪🏽
Como você se sentiria se fosse financeiramente bem sucedido? 🙌🏽

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Master Your Finances

Master Your Finances for you, ladies and gentlemen! What do you want to get out of your finances? A nice car, a comfortable home, unforgettable holidays? Or do you want the freedom of choice that having enough money can provide you? Regardless of what your goals are, I am here to help! Reach out and let’s have a chat about we can work together! Share this post with friends & family. 🙏🏽

Master Your Finances pra vocês, senhoras e senhores! Quais são os seus sonhos de consumo? Um carro legal, uma casa confortável ou aquelas férias inesquecíveis? Ou o seu desejo é de somente ter liberdade financeira que o dinheiro pode proporcionar pra fazer suas escolhas? Seja qual for o seu desejo, estou aqui pra ajudar a realizá-lo! Entre em contato comigo e vamos conversar sobre como podemos trabalhar juntas rumo a esse objetivo. Compartilhem este post com a família e amigos. 🙌🏽💰

‘Think and Grow Rich’ l 'Quem pensa enriquece'

My life has taken a great turn since I started a self-development journey.

I’ve had some incredible insights and am working towards goals that I never thought were possible. And it’s all in my mind! I am in love with Napoleon Hill at the moment and reading ‘The Law of Success’. This quote is from ‘Think and Grow Rich’.

What is your mind conceiving at the moment? Are you focusing on abundance and prosperity or are you concentrating on lack and scarcity? When you decide to focus on GREAT things, the universe will conspire in your favour! I dare you to try it out!

 ”Tudo que uma mente humana é capaz de conceber, é capaz de conquistar.”

How much do you manage to save every month?

Do you practice paying yourself first before you pay any of your bills? This is the #1 rule of financial independence!

The Master of Your Finances secret of the week is: have at least one extra retirement pension. I have personally signed up to a LISA (Lifetime ISA) which gives me 25% interest on up to £4,000 a year. The only downside is that you can only have you is if you are 18 to 39 years of age. Also, you can only withdraw the money to buy your first property or when you are 60.

For those over 40, there is always SIPP (Self-Invested Personal Pension) which is also a UK government-approved personal pension scheme.

One of my life goals is NOT to struggle financially when I reach my retirement age so I have started thinking about it early.

How do you imagine your life when you retire?

The 'M' word l A palavra que começa com 'D'

This is not an attempt to promote Lloyds Bank but I am happy that they are asking people: 'Why do we find so hard to talk about money?' 🤔

Isso aqui não é uma tentativa de promover o Banco Lloyds, mas eu gostei da pergunta: 'Por que a gente acha tão dificil falar de dinheiro?'🤑

Pay rise l Aumento de salário

Financial Masters! I have been really quiet, I know...I have so much going on. But from now on I am committed to sharing one little secret of Master your Finances every week.

Are you ready? The secret of this week is: how to give yourself a pay rise without asking your boss for one! But this wasn't just an ordinary pay rise, (some of you might not know but I do Master Your Finances as well as a full-time marketing job. Yes, ladies and gentlemen...aren't we all trying to get the best out of life?), it was from the Queen! I will explain: I have made an extra contribution towards my pension and then I contacted HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs - or the tax man) and they increased my personal tax free allowance. As a result, I have been paid more money this month. Isn't that great? 

Next week I will tell you more about my pension but I could not help sharing this amazing little secret with you today!

Did you like it? Do you know of any other pay rise secrets? I will come back next week with more! Share this with your friends and family!…/pension-tax-relief

Financial Masters! Tenho estado bem calada, eu sei...tem tanta coisa acontecendo. Mas a partir de agora, vou compartilhar um segredinho da Master Your Finances toda semana. Estão prontos?
O segredo desta semana é: como receber aumento de salário sem pedir pro seu chefe! Mas este nao foi aumento qualquer, (alguns de vocês não sabem que eu tenho um trabalho de marqueteira paralelo a este. Sim, senhoras e senhores, estamos todos aproveitando as oportunidades da vida, nao e mesmo?), a rainha da Inglaterra me deu esse aumento!

Eu posso explicar: Eu fiz uma contribuição extra para a minha aposentadoria e entrei em contato com o 'leão' como é conhecido no Brasil e eles abateram o valor no meu imposto que é retirado direto da fonte no Reino Unido.

Resultado: eu recebi um aumento de salário a partir deste mês. Isso não é maravilhoso?

Na próxima semana eu falo mais sobre minhaS aposentadoriaS, mas queria compartilhar esse segredinho com vocês. Gostaram? Vocês sabem de algum segredo pra aumentar o salário assim? Querem saber mais? Semana que vem eu volto com mais!

Sucessful habits l Hábitos de sucesso

Here are some of mine: 1) Spend at least one hour everyday learning about personal development or financial coaching 2) Read at least ...